
How To Defy The Laws Of Physics

Physics is astonishing! It essentially explains how the entire universe functions and helps us to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. From the smallest subatomic particles to largest galaxies, everything around us works perfectly through our known laws of physics.

But there are many curious ones amongst us who go on to challenge these laws that govern the universe and endeavour to build things that defy physics. While it is certainly non possible to circumvent the laws of physics, figuring out ways that try to intermission these laws often helps in learning something new about the universe.

Here'south a list of 9 such objects/devices that makes the states question the physics as we know it!

1.Perpetual Motion Run into-Saw – a concept of continuous move

The term perpetual motion means a never-ending motion or a motion that volition never end. Perpetual motility machines take remained the dream of scientists for a long time, and if practically possible will kick out the second law of thermodynamics.

The perpetual motion run across-saw is a concept in which two golf balls and a designed structure is used to create repeating see-saw motion. The continuous left-right motion of the balls causes a change in the center of mass of the construction, which results in an oscillatory motion without requiring whatever external influences.

While the idea might seem plausible and can brand you think that this machine can solve the world's energy trouble, the reality is far dissimilar! This listen-bending car clearly violates the Work-Energy Principle which states that the work done on a organisation is equal to the change in energy.

In this instance, the Internet Piece of work done volition exist zero, which is practically not possible for a closed arrangement like a perpetual move machine. There is an obvious apply of some external free energy input, mayhap in the form of magnets placed under the table that are doing the job of providing the oscillatory motion.

two.Gömböc – the object that corrects itself

The idea of an object without a brain, automatically correcting itself to rest on a single position can only make you scratch your head. The Gomboc often described as the object which should not be is one such object, the merely one of its kind.

It is the world's just artificial object that tin can correct itself no matter how you keep it on the ground. Fifty-fifty though the thought of Gömböc was put forrard past V.I Arnold in 1995, the invention of Gömböc equally a real object was made in 2006 past two engineers from Hungary, Peter Varkonyi and Dabor Domokos.

The Gömböc is essentially a convex 3D homogenous body which when resting on a flat surface will have merely one stable and 1 unstable betoken of equilibrium. The density and weight of a Gömböc are consistent throughout, and the mode it moves and rights itself is only because of its shape.

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This unique object conspicuously makes us question the physics behind it. While Gömböcs available in the market tin can cost you a thousand dollars, it is merely practiced to be used as a fancy paperweight if y'all're willing to own ane.

3.The Uphill Water Fountain – a fountain that flows upwards

The Uphill h2o fountain was created by the famous James Dyson, the same guy known for inventing the vacuum machines. In 2003, he congenital a structure at the Chelsea Garden Show in England in which water was seen flowing on an upward slope.

This physics-defying demonstration caught the optics of many as the water was flowing against the laws of gravity.

The secret, however, was that he made use of compressed air to pump water upwardly. The pressurized water between ii layers of plastic and a sparse layer of water running downwards created the perfect illusion of water naturally flowing up the slope.

It turns out to be just another magic play a joke on to badger physics.

4. One-sided impenetrable glass - protect and shoot at the same time

Equally the name indicates, this unidirectional glass has backdrop which enable it to remain bulletproof on one side but lets the bullets through from the other. Even though the ordinary bulletproof glass used in armed forces form vehicles protects a person from existence hit by bullets, it too cripples the person from firing at the enemy from the within.

At first, this mind-bending glass may seem to defy the laws of physics, but the reality is different!

The normal impenetrable glass that we are familiar with consists of a layer of polycarbonate thermoplastic betwixt the normal drinking glass layers. This gives strength to the drinking glass and makes it tough for a bullet to laissez passer through from both the sides.

The ane-fashion impenetrable glass, nonetheless, has a harder as well as a flexible soft layer. When the bullet fired from outside hits the glass, the hard layer flattens and slows downwardly the bullet, which then comes to a finish hitting the soft layer.

But when the bullet fired from the other side hits the drinking glass, information technology passes through the soft layer easily and stress is induced on the hard layer by the flexible soft layer. This cracks the outer layer and allows the bullet to laissez passer through easily.

5.Starlite – The phenomenon material which went into hiding

Starlite is a miracle substance which was beginning introduced to in 1990 through a Goggle box testify by BBC. It is a plastic material which was invented past Maurice Ward, which had the backdrop of being potent, non-toxic and rut proof.

The magical belongings of this material is that it can withstand large degrees of heat, protecting whatever is kept inside. This property was demonstrated by subjecting an egg coated with Starlite to hot glowing flame for minutes.

Not just did the egg'south trounce absorb the high amount of estrus just when cracked open, the egg was completely raw.  Maurice never shared his recipe of creating such a potential substance fearing that it could be opposite engineered.

There was a huge potential for his discovery across many applications. All the same, he died in 2011 without ever patenting or commercializing his invention.

The method of how Starlite was created is yet unknown. Yet, an article published in International Defense Review mentioned that Starlite is a mixture of a variety of polymers and co-polymers with a full of 21 organic and inorganic additives such every bit borates, ceramics, and other special barrier ingredients.

While the formula of developing Starlite may have been cached forth with Ward's death, there have been many attempts to replicate the properties of this magical material. For case, a Canadian inventor, Troy Hurtubise developed his own version of a estrus-resistant material called firepaste.

half-dozen.The Countless Spinning Superlative

Remember the spinning elevation that the thespian Leonardo DiCaprio used in the movie Inception to know whether he's dreaming or awake? A tiptop spinning continuously would hateful that he's inside a dream world, and when information technology stops, he'south actually in the existent world.

But what if in that location'due south an bodily, real-working spinning top that spins endlessly? Is that even possible for a top to defy the laws of physics and spin continuously?

Well, a toy manufacturing visitor certainly tried to make you believe that through their magical spinning top called LIMBO. This listen-bending height will definitely leave you puzzled at first, equally it keeps on spinning almost endlessly.

As a thing of fact, the top holds a Guinness Earth Record for the longest running mechanical spinning top. The exact time duration of its world record spin is 27 hours ix minutes and 24 seconds.

But if yous call up that the top has managed to defy physics, yous're wrong! LIMBO's secret lies inside the housing where there'south a special asymmetric flywheel motor, a high-cease movement sensor, a rechargeable battery and an advanced system-on-a-chip that constantly monitors the top's stability and applies dozens of motion corrections every 2d to go on it spinning.

The peak, rather than defying physics, makes the almost use of it!

7.EmDrive – NASA's "Incommunicable" Space Thruster

NASA EmDrive Space Thruster
Source: EmDrive

EmDrive is a controversial space engine from NASA that is developed to realize the ultimate dream of humans – energy. Originally developed by British scientist Roger Shawyer in the early 2000s, the EmDrive engine generates thrust without using any fuel.

The main concept of EmDrive is to focus microwaves by a metallic cone, which can exist converted into a thrust that tin can propel the spaceship without requiring any fuel. The idea, withal, violates the Newton's 3rd Police force of Motion which states that for every action, there is an equal and contrary reaction.

In the case of EmDrive, the third law doesn't come into play, which is unbelievable as these laws have been governing our universe perfectly. However, NASA published their lab tests of the device last year, detecting some level of thrust in their experiments.

Just NASA's claims were soon put to test by German scientists who built their own EmDrive and tested it in the vacuum bedchamber. The researchers found that the 'thrust' was clearly not coming from the microwave crenel, but was more probable due to a magnetic interaction from the power feeding cables.

eight.Villard's bicycle – a wheel that never stops

Villard's wheel was offset introduced in 1245 by a French architect, Villard de Honnecourt. Villard'south wheel is i of the stepping stones of machines created to prove perpetual motion in practical.

Theoretically, Villard'southward bicycle was supposed to exist a wheel which continues its move without a interruption or stops. Such an invention would have been a major scientific quantum and of form, throw some of the of import laws of physics in the bin.

Villard'due south cycle consisted of an overbalanced wheel to which hinged hammers were fitted. The number of hammers was supposed to be in odd numbers with equal spacing betwixt the hammers. The product was supposed to deliver a continuous rotation of the wheel with the help of the hammers, merely it manifestly didn't!

The wheel did not deliver continuous move, and a backward motion was observed every time a hammer moved which is not what Villard wanted. Since so, there have been many attempts to create such a perpetual motility bike trying out dissimilar designs and materials.

9. The Rattleback – The alien thing

The Rattleback is as a semi-elliptical object which tin can turn only in a unmarried direction on its centrality, either clockwise or anticlockwise. The movement of a Rattleback depends on its design, and a certain corporeality of ground friction is required for it to work.

The Rattlebacks can rotate only in i direction, and if turned in the opposite management, it will right itself automatically after coming to a slight stop. At first, it may seem that this semi-oblong top violates the law of conservation of angular momentum, merely that's not the case.


Some Rattlebacks reverse their motility when spun in whatever management. These features acquired curiosity among many for some time. In 2011, David Tombe presented an commodity explaining the science behind it, which is nothing but the coaction of forces that we all know – inertia, gravity and friction.

Although these objects designed to defy the laws of physics accept always failed, there's one thing in mutual amidst all – the want to challenge our own scientific concepts and explore the unknown! This very idea oftentimes leads to breakthrough innovations that may non defy physics, simply exercise defy our usual ways of looking at things around us.


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